As for your information, they are usually natural or synthetic fabric that are laminated to or coated with a waterproofing material such as rubber, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyurethane (PU), silicone elastomer, fluoropolymers and wax. This material is usually found in the water resistant and water proof product, as for an example, people now days would prefer more on the water proof backpack because when we travel, the weather always change and we want to save our belonging.
The important of having a water proof backpack is so that the contents of the pack stay dry even if the pack is fully immersed in water.
This specification is important for a hiker. For example, the hiker will never know what the weather will be like. There are few items that will need to be kept dry are things like your spare clothes, first aid kit, toilet roll, sleeping bag and food.
When hiking, you have a lot of gear that will get wet anyway, and eventually goes into your pack. Rain jacket, tent, cooking gear, a food bag that’s been hanging in a tree overnight as a bear-bag– some things just get wet and there’s not much you can do about it. If your equipment is wet, and you put it inside your pack, that ability of the pack to repel water is useless. The water gets inside one way or another.
Terima Kasih, penuh informasi.